website of artist Steve Thorpe

Steve Thorpe: Rock Works I


Rock Works I
Rock Works II
Dust Works
Sketch Books
Art Actions
Article I
Article II
Artist Details

Rock Works:

Rock Works have been made from stones ground down to dust. Each stone comes from a particular place, such as a beach, a river, a mountain top or a holy site. There are pieces made from one stone and others made from one hundred stones. A work may take you to one place or to many places, forming connections between the places. Each piece has a story; the ascent of a mountain, or a coastal journey, or time spent in one spot.

These works are governed by geography. The collections of 4 squares are also collections of places. Examples are ‘The Four Corners of Devon’ and ’64 Miles of Coastline’. The single colours use stone from holy sites: ‘Tintern Abbey’ and St Aldhelms Chapel. The vertical pieces are also measures of time. ‘3 Days Walking’ was a 3 day walk from Penzance to St. Austell where I picked up a stone every hour to make the work. ‘!00 Places Connected by Walking’ is made from 100 stones picked up on the coast of Cornwall over a period of 3 years. The 3 triangles are industrial stones from the north of England: coal, limestone and millstone grit.
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